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Setting up a new Webhook for Signet integration
Setting up a new Webhook for Signet integration
Anna Sóley Karlsdóttir avatar
Written by Anna Sóley Karlsdóttir
Updated over a month ago

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After sending out a contract for signing using Signet, it is very likely that you want the journey to wait until a certain condition has been reached, for example all parties have signed the contract or someone has rejected the contract signing.

In this example we will look at how to set up a Webhook and connect it with Signet so that it will wait until all parties have signed the contract before continuing with the Journey.

In this example we have already set up the Send contract to signing action and will focus on the Webhook part.


In our demo journey we have set up everything besides the Webhook. It is a simple journey where we create a document, convert it to pdf and the send to signing. After it is signed we send a notification to payroll with the contract attached.

Integration builder setup

In order to create and configure the Webhook, you will have to go to the Integration section ( and add it from the Signet section:

Go to the top right corner and select "Webhook (Beta)"

Uncheck the "Subscribe using external url" toggle and insert the following example payload values in the text area

"DocID": "8e27d4a5-70c1-42c9-beba-c983e619b158",
"Notes": "This is an employment contract for John Smith",
"Status": 3,
"Metadata": ";callbackUrl=;",
"DocumentName": "test.pdf"

Afterwards, click on "Add Webhook" to save the configuration. and you can now see the Webhook appear.

Configuring conditions

Next step is adding a condition that decides when then the action should continue, when conditions are met.

Expand the "Continue when section" and click on "Add conditions"

In this case we have to add two conditions:

1. Since we are waiting for a specific contract to be signed we need the ID of the contract so the Webhook knows what to monitor. In this case we will use the element Document ID (Doc ID) and since the value is dynamic and is always different for each document, we configure this value in the journey builder, so we keep that toggle on.

2. The second condition refers to that we want to wait until the status of the document is value "3", according to Signet documentation, this is the status of the document when it has been signed by all parties. We can hardcode this number in here as it will not change.

Here you can see the fully configured conditions.

And after saving

Now you have configured the Webhook and then we need to add it to the "Send contract to signing" action:

Update "Send contract to signing"

Now you want to open the "Send contract to signing" action and add this line to the "Metadata" field. Note that you ne


Note that you need to relace [[WEBHOOK_ID]] with the ID from your webhook, found here:

This is where you add that line:

Now you're ready to use webhooks in a journey :)

Setting up the Webhook in a journey

Click on the placeholder action and convert it to the Webhook action in the action side-panel

We now have the Webhook ready but we need to add the document id that we configured earlier in the Conditions part.

This means that we need to get the ID of the document in the action before it. Signet returns the ID in an array so we need to use our Formatter action to retrieve it.

We can now get the ID from the formatter action.

The webhook and everything is now fully configured, the last part is not directly related but if you want to get the actual file from Signet to send as an e-mail attachment you will also have to use the Formatter after the "Get document" action.

And the Send-email action

We are now done! Hope you enjoy this feature🎈

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